IMCOSA has strong policies around ensuring respectful and dignified inter-action and engagement with the persons we deal with on any level, including suppliers, service providers, partners, team membe
Country South Africa
State/Province Western Cape
distance: 4,234 Kilometers

Immigration Consulting South Africa

IMCOSA has strong policies around ensuring respectful and dignified inter-action and engagement with the persons we deal with on any level, including suppliers, service providers, partners, team members, government officials and clients. Our goals are, to provide immigration advice and support on the highest professional level; To sustain our unprecedented success rate in the interest of our clients; To impress with outstanding service; To enable individuals and companies who aim to contribute to the
growth and development of the country, to settle and legally conduct their activities in South Africa; To help facilitate a true understanding and sensitivity towards the culture and the people of South Africa in the interest of enhancing personal and business communication, cooperation and a harmonious co-existence.

Listing Details

Phone Number 0214623184
Website Link Visit Link Here
Country South Africa
State/Province Western Cape
distance: 4,234 Kilometers
Address 84-85 Roeland Square, Roeland St, Cape Town, 8001
Category ,

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